By D'landar Jones
For the most part people know physical activity, such as regular exercise, can keep your weight down and you physically healthy. What some people do not realize is being physically inactive is considered a risk factor for several illnesses and medical conditions. Don’t be apart of the 2 million people worldwide that die from conditions related to not being physically active. Plenty of people of all ages, from children to the elderly, can reduce the chances of having life threaten problems if their lifestyle consisted of regular physical activity.
Risk of Developing Heart Disease Increases
Physical inactivity can contribute to heart disease in a few ways. The coronary blood flow is impaired in people who are physically inactive. Another link between inactivity and heart disease is high cholesterol levels. Exercise helps lower LDL cholesterol levels. Being physically active can also increase levels of HDL cholesterol, which is good cholesterol that helps protect against heart disease
Increased Chance of Developing Hypertension
Hypertension, which is also known as high blood pressure, can develop into a stroke or kidney disease. Physical activity, such as regular exercise, helps make the heart stronger. As the heart becomes stronger, it can pump blood more efficiently throughout the body. When the heart does not have to work as hard, less force is put on the arteries and blood pressure is lower.
Diabetes can Develop
Type 2 diabetes, also known as adult onset diabetes, occurs when insufficient levels of insulin are produced, or resistance to insulin develops. Two risk factors for developing adult onset diabetes include being overweight and physical inactivity.
Doubles the Risk of Obesity.
When an individual has a body mass index over 30 he or she is considered obese. Obesity is a major health concern for people of all ages including children. Illnesses related to obesity include heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and sleep apnea. In the United States each year there are over 300,000 deaths related to obesity. This can change by controlling eating habits, including regular exercise into your life.
Colon Cancer Risk Increases.
Lack of physical activity contributes to the risk of colon cancer in a few ways. Waste moves through the colon slower in people who are not active. This increases the time the waste spends in the colon, which may allow toxins to build up for a longer period of time. Physical activity helps keep things moving through the colon faster.
Osteoporosis is More Likely to Occur
Without proper physical activity, overtime the bones can become weak. When this occurs, the condition is known as osteoporosis, which can cause the bones to fracture easily. The condition occurs most frequently in older adults. Physical activity helps strengthen the bones and prevent osteoporosis from developing.
Higher Chance of Developing Depression and Anxiety
Along with physical problems related to inactivity, negative emotional effects can also develop. Exercise helps reduce or prevent anxiety and depression in several ways. When a person is physically active, chemicals are released in the brain, which help improve mood and reduce stress.
There are multiple factors for diseases, like age and environment. But a physically inactive way of life can be changed and the individual must under stand that a lifestyle change is necessary to live a longer healthier life. Making sure cardio is added in you regular exercise routine at least 4 or 5 days a week or 150 minutes of physical activity a week. The good news is, in time the negative effects of physical inactivity may be reversed or decreased. |