Hey Bucaleany Fam its a new year and greatness is upon us so lets Have Fun! Stay Lit! Be Cool!
Life is an interesting thing it is also so precious. Perspectives on life changes. But no matter the situation always have FUN don't worry be happy! Life is meant to be enjoyed and having fun on the journey will make it all worth it! One of the best ways in life to have fun is when you winning or some one you know is winning. So win big and have fun.
Also while you are having Fun. Stay Lit and have a great attitude, excitement about what life has for you and who you are becoming! Attitude determines your altitude in life!
So all while why you having Fun & Staying Lit, Be COOL meaning be able to manage your self definitely and the situation if you can. Be real with your self and be real with life. Be cool relax your mind let your conscience be free. Never let life or situations over whelm you. Remember Life is like the seasons you have a spring, summer, winter and fall. In short whatever it is it will soon pass so be COOL!
date is - 01/ 20/20
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Definition of fun
(Entry 1 of 3)
1: what provides amusement or enjoyment specifically : playful often boisterous action or speech full of fun
2: a mood for finding or making amusement
funned; funning
Definition of fun (Entry 2 of 3)
intransitive verb
: to indulge in banter or play : JOKE
sometimes funner; sometimes funnest
Definition of fun (Entry 3 of 3)