Is it True That Woman Like Men in Grey Sweatpants

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Hey put those jeans down and put on a good pair of sweats pants! 

Women Are Going Crazy Over Guys In Grey Sweatpants This Season. So what is about grey sweat pants that make women go crazy? 

Let's get some insight from some women.

  1. Some women say it's something about a man in grey sweat pants that makes him look more attractive.

  2. Another women expressed a man in grey sweats is irresistible.

  3. A Women said her bae only can wear sweatpants around her because of how the sweats fit on his body.

  4. Last some women say its a great way for a man to show off his third arm (penis)

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Some women get mad at their boyfriend or Bae/ Hubby if he wear grey sweat pants outside around other women. 


So do men know that grey sweat pants can make them Lit or get them in some Sh&t?

(Quick Note) This doesn't mean you have to have leggings on either. lol.  The sweatpants you wear can have a sportswear look or streetwear look. Maybe even casual.  Just like there is Hoodie Season there is sweat pants season. If you want a great pair of sweat pants to wear around the house  to wear at the gym or when outside living your best life the Bucaleany Official sweat pants are great for all those options.

Let's get some insight from some men.

  1. Some men say they just like the color grey a lot because it goes with everything.

  2. Another man said that he likes how the grey/ gray sweats fabric feels on his body seems like it has more stretch.

  3. Last group of guys said that know of the effect that grey sweat pants have on they bae or just women in period. 

Bucaleany Gray sweat pants

But honestly this has always been a thing for women, just like men admire women in certain clothing that show details of their body! Men also like to see women in grey sweats also.  Word on the streets is that women like to put on their baes hoodie or sweatpants.

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DO you know any body like that?  Hopefully this info was very informative please leave us a comment! Thanks!

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