The show stars Forest Whitaker as Bumpy Johnson The Harlem Gangstar, telling the story of the legendary crime lord's relationship with Malcolm X in the 60's. Swizz Beatz is the executive music producer, of the show he's the one putting the soundtrack together. Swizz has contributed a song of his own ("I Ain't Scared") and enlisted a collaboration from Dave East & A$AP Ferg ("Business Is B
While Swizz has been bringing in Harlem artists to suit the show's storyline, he has also said that he's seeking a global sound for the soundtrack. This was evidently the motivation behind putting French Montana on a track with Bob Marley's grandson, Skip Marley. The song starts with dramatic keys and then builds into funky percussion. Even as it gets more upbeat, "Call Me Human" remains weighted down by the heavy human rights issues that Marley soulfully sings about. French brings in some drug dealing-related raps, which all subscribe to Godfather of Harlem's theme.
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